StingrayOS – Our VPN Centric Operating System

A dedicated VPN provisioning solution for seamless server deployment on any platform, built for security, flexibility, and ease
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StingrayOS, the operating system developed by Blackshell, prioritizes security through its hardened infrastructure, simplified installation, and robust VPN integration.

Stingray offers the first of its kind, dedicated VPN provisioning platform. Our dashboard lets users deploy VPN servers at the touch of a button, with little concern for their target deployment platform.

The server solution that makes this possible is StingrayOS, our in-house operating system. StingrayOS was built from the ground up to be:

Hardened and attack-resistant: the OS is built on top of standard industry best practices, along with our extensive expertise in managing cybersecurity server-side solutions.

  • VPN-friendly: the OS is home to a set of in-house tools and APIs that make installing and uninstalling VPN servers and configurations easy, integrating with the dashboard to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Multi-cloud and platform agnostic: within very generous bounds, StingrayOS does not care where you’re deploying it. It is designed to work on servers, VMs, laptops or Raspberry PIs, either in the cloud or on premise.
  • Reproductible and falsifiable: the server build is provisioned automatically through our infrastructure as code setup, and we can prove that the solution running on our infrastructure is the same as the one we built from source.

Additionally, StingrayOS boasts a wide array of features beyond those mentioned, with comprehensive details provided in the attached datasheet.